October 3, 2019
In order to make up school days missed due to Hurricane Dorian, the following changes to the school calendar have been made. October 28th was originally an "unscheduled day" b...
October 2, 2019
Thursday, October 3rd is Picture Day at Rodgers Elementary!! Students may wear any school-appropriate clothing for pictures, they do not have to wear uniforms.
September 29, 2019
- Our Candy Man Fundraiser began last Wednesday and will continue through Oct. 7th. All orders and money are due no later than 3:00 on Oct. 8th. - We will have Fall Picture Day ...
September 17, 2019
Martin County DSS to Host “Town Hall” Meetings about Changes to Medicaid on September 19 th & 23 rd
WILLIAMSTON, NC — The State of North Carolina is undergoing a...
September 16, 2019
Last week RES 5th graders celebrated Patriot Day by writing letters to our first responders! Look at the gallery for more photos!
September 15, 2019
- Monday, Sept. 16th will be Independence Day for all students. Beginning Monday morning, all students should be dropped off in the car rider line and walk independently to class...
September 8, 2019
- Please remember that students need to be waiting at the bus stop in the morning. - In the afternoon, please be sure to have your car rider tag posted and leave it up until yo...
September 5, 2019
Please sign up for REMIND for your child's bus. Mrs. Hudson will post updates and important information on this app!
August 24, 2019
Please join me in welcoming Alyssa Smith to the RES and JES families! Mrs. Smith is a trained singer and has taught music in K-5 classrooms. She received her Bachelors of Arts in ...
July 30, 2019
Just a reminder about uniform colors. Elementary students in grades K-5 may wear any solid color "polo" style shirt. Pants, skirts, jumpers, or shorts should be khaki, navy blu...
July 20, 2019
Please join me in welcoming Shannon Lockamy to the RES family! Mrs. Lockamy will be our new Exceptional Children's teacher. Mrs. Lockamy graduated from the University of Mount Ol...
July 18, 2019
Please join me in welcoming Mary-Courteney Green to the RES family! Mrs. Green will be teaching 5th grade ELA and Social Studies this year. She grew up in Plymouth, NC, graduated ...
May 7, 2019
Congratulations to our K-2 RES Art winners!! 1st place: Alayna Hudson 2nd place: Addison Speller 3rd place: Macon Leggett
May 7, 2019
Congratulations to our 3-5 RES Art Winners!
1st Place: Claudia Hernandez
2nd Place: Kinley Byrum
3rd Place: Angel De'Oca
April 10, 2019
Updates to Background Checks:
1) If you are planning to go on a Field Trip, you WILL need to complete a background check.
2) If you are volunteering in the school to work wi...
April 9, 2019
Thank you to Domtar and First Book for providing all of our students with a new book! We enjoyed having you come out and read with us!!
April 9, 2019
Don't forget the Friends of Martin Memorial Library book sale this weekend. Thursday through Sunday at Martin Memorial Library, 200 N. Smithwick Street, Williamston. The proceeds...
April 9, 2019
Parents, here are a few updates regarding background checks!
* If you have had a background check performed within the past 12 months, you can bring a copy to school with your ...
April 8, 2019
Good afternoon families! Important information regarding parent participation in field trips as well as volunteering at school (including field day) went home with your student to...
April 3, 2019
MCS will sponsor an Autism and Transition Fair for students with disabilities and their parents tomorrow, April 4, 2019. The event will be held at the Riverside High School cafet...