February 17, 2019
Kindergarten (Haislip)
RL.K.1 - With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about details in text.
RL.K.2 - With prompting and support, retell familiar ...
February 12, 2019
If your student will be 5 on or before August 29, 2019, it's time to register them for Kindergarten! Stop by and see the classrooms when you register!
February 10, 2019
Kindergarten - Haislip:
RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about details in a text. RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familia...
February 4, 2019
2nd Grade - Bryant, Hart, Stokes:
Reading - 2.RL.2 (identifying and explaining the lesson of a story)
Math - MD 5/OA1 (word problems using measurement)
February 4, 2019
Ms. Griffin is the BEST!! Thank you for everything you do!
December 14, 2018
Join us December 18th, 6-7 pm at Riverside Middle School School:
Martin County Schools implemented the Positive Parenting Program or Triple P last school year. Triple P will b...
December 7, 2018
Join us December 11th, 6-7 pm at South Creek Elementary School:
Martin County Schools implemented the Positive Parenting Program or Triple P last school year. Triple P will ...
November 30, 2018
Please support the 2018 Martin County Toys for Tots campaign. Toys will be collected through Martin County Schools and many community,clubs, organizations, churches, and business...
November 29, 2018
Join us December 4th, 6-7 pm at Riverside Middle School: Martin County Schools implemented the Positive Parenting Program or Triple P last school year. Triple P will be back i...
October 11, 2018
Our fall book fair is here! Students will be able to preview the book fair on Monday, October 15th and shopping will begin on October 16th. We will have our book fair open durin...
October 6, 2018
Please join us on Friday, October 19th for our STEM Night! We will have lots of fun science and math activities for the entire family! Our STEM night is from 5:30 to 8:00 pm and ...
October 6, 2018
All pumpkins must be paint and decorations ONLY! NO carved pumpkins. All pumpkins are due in the Media Center by Oct. 15th. The winning student from each grade will receive $5 to ...
September 12, 2018
Our Candy Man fundraiser will begin on Thursday, September 20th and run through Tuesday, October 9th. Please support our school!