- This Wednesday, January 15th, RES will dismiss bus riders at 2;25 and car riders at 2:30 for a district mandated training. Parents are reminded to please ensure that someone will be home if your child rides the bus. If you need to check your child out early, please be sure that you arrive prior to 2:00 on Wednesday.
- This Friday, January 17th, will be the end of the 3rd marking period. Please be sure that if your child has any make-up that it is turned in no later than Friday.
- Parents are reminded when you are picking your child up in the afternoon, please have your car rider tag hanging from your rear view mirror. It is sometimes hard for the caller to read tags that are laying on the dashboard. If you have lost your car tag, please call the office to get a new one. Please don't forget to turn right out of the parking lot in the morning and afternoon to keep traffic flowing smoothly.
- Lastly, please remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:50 each day. If your child is absent, please be sure to send a note the day they return to school. Reasons for excused absences are located in your child's RES handbook.

January 13th - 17th
January 13, 2020