- This Friday, December 20th will be a 1:00 early dismissal day. Students will be out for the Christmas and New Year's holiday for 2 weeks. They will return to school on Monday, January 6th.
- Parents are reminded to please send in a note the day your child returns from an absence. Per the county office, all parent notes for absences must be received within 3 days of the absence or they cannot be excused. The only way that we will be allowed to excuse an absence more than 3 days old is with a note from a medical provider.
- This week, grade levels have planned a variety of different activities. Your child should receive information about the specific activities in which they will participate.
- RES shirts and sweatshirts will be in this week. Please call the office if you do not want us to send them home with your child!

December 16th - 20th
December 16, 2019