February 6, 2019
The annual band pancake supper fundraiser will be Thursday, February 7th from 5-8 pm in the RHS Cafeteria. Tickets are on sale for $7. Please see a band student or Ms. Cardwell to...

February 5, 2019
Students interested in competing on the Riverside FFA Hunter Safety team please sign up for FFA- Hunter Safety Practice with Mr. Bennett for Knight Lunch “B” on Wednesday February...

February 4, 2019
Baseball tryouts will begin on Wednesday, February 13 and run through Friday, February 15. If interested in trying out, but not attended an interest meeting prior to now please m...
February 3, 2019
Sunday - February 3, 2019 - 6:00 pm:
Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from RHS:
The RHS Gospel Choir will be performing at two upcoming local event...

February 3, 2019
Saturday - February 2, 2019 - 7:30 pm:
Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from RHS:
Students are reminded to be to school and class on time each day....
February 2, 2019
Baseball tryouts will begin on Wednesday, February 13 and run through Friday, February 15. If interested in trying out, but not attended an interest meeting prior to now please m...

February 1, 2019
The door at Washington County High School (Plymouth) will open and they will begin collecting tickets at 2:00 pm on Saturday.
January 31, 2019
Congratulations on signing with Gardner-Webb University to play football. We are proud of you. Go Knights!

January 31, 2019
Donate gently loved
Young Adult books to
Riverside High School’s
Media Center Book Drive
during the month of February
Books may be dropped at the
Main Office o...
January 31, 2019
Congratulations to Abby Pippen. She signed to play softball at Pitt Community College on 01-30-2019. We are very proud of her. - Go Knights!

January 30, 2019
Riverside High School will be pre-selling tickets for Saturday’s basketball game at Washington County High starting Wednesday. Players will be able to purchase 2 tickets at 12PM ...

January 29, 2019
Monday - January 28, 2019 - 7:30 pm:
Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from RHS:
The Riverside FFA is going to the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh on J...

January 28, 2019
Seniors, the following scholarships are available in the Student Services:
Jamesville Ruritan Club- due February 13th Memorial Baptist Church- due February 23rd Farm Li...

January 28, 2019
Sunday - January 27, 2019 - 7:30 pm:
Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from RHS:
Knight Lunch returns on Monday. Students are reminded to go and si...

January 27, 2019
Athletics This Week:
01-28-2019 - Monday - Nothing scheduled 01-29-2019 - Tuesday - Basketball @ Home - Northside High School - 4:30 pm 01-30-2019 - Wednesday - Nothing...

January 26, 2019
Congraulations to the 1st graduates of 2019 from Riverside High School. They graduated from Riverside High School on January 24, 2019 - Go Knight! Good Luck in the future from y...

January 25, 2019
Knight Lunch Schedule returns on Monday - 01-28-2019. Please click here for a copy of the schedule - Go Knights!

January 25, 2019
RHS will host a community blood drive on January 28, 2019 from 2 pm - 6 pm. Come out and give the gift of life! Go Knights!

January 25, 2019
The annual band pancake supper will be held February 7th from 5-8 pm in the RHS Cafeteria. Tickets are on sale now for $7. Please see a band student or Ms. Cardwell to purchase a ...

January 25, 2019
The RHS Knights are hosting Jones Sr. High School tonight at home. JV Boys at 4:30 pm and Varsity Girls and Boys games to follow. $6 per person - Come out and Support the Knight...