Weekly Announcement

Candy Man Prize Day/Celebration - October 21st for student’s that met the goal of the fundraiser. Fall Picture Day - October 25th picture packages will go home with students soon. Friday, October 22nd JES will honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month with “Pink and Jeans” for students and staff. Next PTA meeting will be November 18th at 7pm with a Veteran's Day Program. All grades will be performing.

If your child is experiencing any symptoms or has been exposed to COVID-19, please contact the school nurse or administration prior to sending your child to school. We will continue to work together to keep students, staff and parents safe and healthy. Masks are required for everyone in the buildings and on buses. 

Upcoming dates and information will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and our JES Webpage.  Teacher newsletters and information are located on teacher webpages. Parents are encouraged to download the MCS app. Thanks for your continued support of JES-Home of the Happy Herringbones!