open house

Phone Script - Wednesday - August 13, 2020 - 7:30 pm:

Good evening, The following is a special announcement from Jamesville Elementary School:

Jamesville Elementary School will be hosting our first round of parent-teacher conferences the evening of August 13th from 11 am - 7 pm.  Due to the pandemic, this year’s event will be very different.  Please listen carefully to the instructions:

If you do not have a scheduled appointment, you can not come to campus to visit your child’s teacher.  If you have not been called by your child’s teacher to make an appointment, please do not worry.  They will call you to set up an appointment.

When you visit the campus, you can only have three total people in your group.  The student is included in this number.  Example - Student plus two parents, Students plus parent and one family member, student and two guardians.  No more than three total in your group.  Each member of your party must wear a mask at all times in the building.  No exceptions.  You will not be permitted to enter the building without a mask.  Your appointment will be only 20 minutes.  We have allotted 10 minutes between appointments to clean and sanitize the meeting rooms

Please do not come to your appointment too early.  You will not be permitted to enter the building due to capacity limitations and spacing guidelines.

First, Second and Third grades will enter through the main entrance.  Kindergarten, Fourth Grade and Fifth grades will enter at the back awning on the walkway between JES and NERSBA.  We will have signs and staff to direct you to the entrance.  

Once you enter the building, please walk along the right side of the hallway as you proceed to your destination.   You must observe the social distancing guidelines of six feet between staff and guests in the building.  This is required.

Please help us protect your teachers, your children and yourself.  No hugging please.  Hopefully when this is over, we can have a “big” JES group hug.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding through this tough time.  We are very excited that your children attend JES and we look forward to a safe and happy school year.

Once again, Thank you for supporting Jamesville Elementary School.  Home of the Happy Herringbones.