weekly announcements

Sunday - October 18, 2020 - 7:30 pm:

Good evening, The following announcements are a few reminders from JES:

Car riders and their parents.  Here a few things that will help make things smoother:

  • AM drop-off starts at 7:30 am but you can line up to drop-off sooner.

  • Please have your “pink form” completed and ready to go.

  • Make sure lunches and book bags are ready.

  • Make sure they have their mask on.

  • Finally, please do not have the heater blowing directly on them.  It will give us a false reading above 100.4 and cause us to have to recheck their temperature again.

  • We cut-off afternoon pickup at 2:15 pm so we can disinfect and sanitize the entrance to prepare for student departures at 3:00 pm

Bus Riders - Please have your “pink form” ready when you get to the bus.  Please pay attention to the driver when the bus arrives.  Follow the drivers hand signals and directions.  Please be ready at the bus stop at least five minutes early each day.  As bus drivers get used to the new procedures it may adjust the pickup time.

Thank you again for a great first week and thank you for your patience.  You are doing a great job.

Thank you for supporting JES.  Home of the Happy Herringbones.