
Phone Call Script(s):

Sunday - July 12, 2020 - 7:30 pm:

Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from Jamesville Elementary School:

The main office at JES will remain closed the week of July 13th.  Office hours will be 8:30 am - 2:30 pm by appointment only.

Jamesville Elementary Schools is participating in the MCS summer feeding program.  Hot meals and breakfast for the next morning are ready for pickup in the main lobby from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm each day.  You do not have to be a JES student to participate.  You have to be school age to qualify.  Meals are at no charge to students.

Please visit our Jamesville Elementary School website to view our summer resources.  This will be an excellent resource to keep your children going during the summer. 

We will be posting supply lists for the upcoming school year in the next few weeks.  They will be available on our school website and in person in the main office.  More information to follow.  The lists may need to be adjusted depending on the finalized guidelines from the state of NC.

MCS has emailed Summer Jump Start participants general information for the camp beginning July 27th.

Please visit our website for information for the potential options from the state opening school in the fall.

Thank you for supporting JES.  Home of the Happy Herringbones!