
Phone Message Script(s):

Sunday - September 8, 2019 - 7:30 pm:

Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from Jamesville Elementary School.

Jamesville Elementary School presents “Independence Day” on Thursday, September 12, 2019. This special day will mark the beginning of independence for all students, kindergarten through fifth grade.  A letter will go home to parents on Monday September 9th.

The JES Candyman fundraiser kicks off on Thursday September 12th.  Please be on the lookout for the information that you child brings home Thursday night and thank you in advance for your support of this important school fundraiser.

The JES Advisory Board will meet Thursday September 12th at 6:00 pm in the JES conference room.  We are in need of parent members to join the advisory board. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Guard at JES.  

The JES has its first PTA meeting of the school year at 7:00 pm on Thursday September 12th in the JES cafeteria.  Please come out on Thursday night and join the PTA. Please support the group that supports your children. The dues are $5.00 for the year.

On Friday September 13th, JES will be celebrating Grandparents Day and the Planetarium will be on campus that day for selected classes to participate.

Please make sure that your children are on time to school each day.  Students that are late miss a lot. The school day begins at 7:50 am.  

Thank you for supporting JES.  Home of the Happy Herringbones!